Nexus - a small business growth simulator

Business Simulation for Growth

Experience real-time simulations that help you develop business strategies, overcome challenges, and grow with confidence.

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What is Nexus?

Nexus is a powerful tool that helps small business owners grow to the next level.

Using our proprietory ESB framework, Nexus creates a realistic model of your business’s future. It lets you experience and solve upcoming challenges in a safe, no-risk environment.

This special simulation puts you in real-life situations, allowing you to practice decision-making and leadership skills without worrying about expensive mistakes.

Nexus mixes science and business strategy to reduce uncertainty and show where you need to improve your skills.

Whether you're looking to expand, deal with competition, or enter new markets, Nexus gives you the tools and knowledge to confidently lead your business to success.

It's the perfect tool to help small business owners move from where they are now to future success.

Key Benefits

Future Modeling

We study your business and market trends to build a clear, personalized model of your company’s next stage of growth.

Immersive Learning

Participate in video calls, emails, and chats with your future employees, partners, and clients improving your decision-making skills without any risks.

Growth Roadmap

Get customized insights and practical steps based on your simulation performance, helping you make better decisions and plan for real-world growth.

Meet Our Customer Ilya

Nexus has been a big help for our growing business. We are great at making our product, but we didn't know much about managing a team. Hiring expensive managers or paying for training wasn’t possible for us. Bakhtiyor’s idea with Nexus caught our eye – it’s different from any other simulator we've seen.

Halfway through the program, I’ve learned so much about how to manage a team in a simple and clear way. It has changed how I make decisions, replacing guesses with real knowledge. The program is easy to fit into our busy schedule, which makes it perfect for entrepreneurs like us.

Bakhtiyor, thank you for this amazing and useful experience! It has really given us new hope and confidence that we can grow our business successfully.

How did Nexus help Ilya, a small business owner?

Ilya - Customer of Nexus for Simulation

Ilya was feeling stuck. His business, a small remodeling and furniture operation with 20 employees, was doing okay, but every time he tried to grow it, he hit a wall. He was overwhelmed by the complexities of scaling up, from managing a larger team to dealing with new clients and bigger projects. It was as if he was trying to push his business forward while dragging a heavy weight behind him. He knew he could do better, but the road to success seemed impossible to navigate.

Then he found Nexus.

Nexus offered Ilya a simulation, a glimpse into the future of his business. Over the course of a month, Ilya was thrust into an immersive, extremely realistic world where he wasn’t just running his current business — he was managing a larger, more advanced version of it. Each day presented him with new challenges: tricky financial decisions, unexpected supply chain issues, and employee conflicts. But instead of feeling overwhelmed, Ilya embraced the challenges. With Nexus’s guidance and feedback, he honed his decision-making, improved his financial planning, and mastered managing his team.

Now, Ilya is a different leader. His confidence has soared. He no longer hesitates to take on larger projects or explore new markets. The skills he developed during the Nexus simulation have equipped him to handle the complexities of scaling his business. He’s ready to push forward, no longer held back by fear or uncertainty.

Ilya’s business is poised for incredible growth, and he knows that this time, he’s more than ready to lead it. Thanks to Nexus, the future is brighter than ever.


Day One

Deep-Dive Interview and Needs Assessment

The Nexus journey begins with an in-depth interview of the client, and, if applicable, their key employees. This interview focuses on understanding the current state of the business, the client’s vision for growth, and identifying key pain points or skill gaps.

Day One

Day Three

Customized Simulation Design

Based on the initial interview, Nexus creates a personalized simulation program tailored to the business’s next level. This program is broken into daily sessions, each designed to address the client's specific needs and challenges.

Week One - Week Three

Daily Simulations and Real-Time Feedback

Each day, the client engages with immersive simulation sessions that mimic real business operations. These simulations may include:

  • Managing a growing team or expanding operations

  • Financial decision-making under pressure

  • Handling unexpected crises like supply chain issues or client disputes

  • Strategic planning and leadership exercises​​

Week One - Week Three

Each Friday

Weekly Debrief and Adjustments

At the end of each week, Nexus conducts a detailed debriefing session with the client to review their performance. The debrief includes:

  • Analysis of decisions made during the week, identifying strengths and areas for improvement

  • Review of progress towards key business goals set at the start

  • Personalized feedback and recommendations based on the week’s outcomes​.

The Last Friday

Final Simulation and Wrap-Up on the Last Friday

The Nexus experience culminates in a final, comprehensive simulation session on the last Friday of the program. This session is designed to bring together all the skills, strategies, and knowledge acquired throughout the program. The client is faced with complex, multi-dimensional challenges that test:

  • Strategic decision-making under pressure

  • Financial management and investment strategies

  • Crisis management and adaptability

  • Leadership and team management in an expanded business scenario​​.

The Last Friday

What Makes Nexus Stand Apart


Business Coaching

Traditional Consulting







Personal and Professional Focus





Detailed Scripts





Real-Time Feedback





Cost Efficiency






Nexus is a program that uses detailed, realistic, and tailored simulations to help you improve your business skills. It creates real-life scenarios where you practice decision-making, allowing you to grow your company and become an industry expert.

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